My magazine front cover follows magazine conventions they are:
- Masthead
- Subheading
- School logo
- Main image
- Barcode
- Date, issue number and price
- Cover lines
The masthead is essential in a school magazine because it tells the audience the name of the magazine and what the magazine is based on. People would look at the masthead first when choosing to buy a magazine. The masthead should have big text and effective style writing so it stands out and makes the buyer want to purchase the product.
The school logo is also important because it shows what the school represents and what is symbolises.It also shows importance and accentuates proffesionalism. The school logo is located in the top right of the magazine, the majority of people would notice the logo first when they first look at the magazine this would show that they know what the magazine is represneting which would be 'Beaverwood School For Girls'.
The cover lines accentuate the important factors about going back to school which links with the subheading 'Back to school', this works well with the theme of my school magazine.
The barcode is located at the bottom corner of the magazine, this is something which isnt that important and wouldnt interest the audience.
The text on my magazine is the font Microsoft New Tai Leu. This type of font is smart and proffesional and is suitable for the school magazine.
The main image denotes a year 12 sixth form student who is currently taking her AS levels. The student is representing the school so this is suitbale for my main image because it is a school magazine. Futhurmore the sixthformer in the image shows her importance for the school because she is in her last two years of school life,so many students would look up to the student and could ask her on advice and help about school.
My magazine represents particular social groups because I have used appropiate language, the language that I use is easy to read and clear to understand so this would be suitable for my target audience which would be students, particular students in year seven because I havent used hard language for them not to understand. The magazine is also at a decent price so a lot of social groups would be able to afford it. The location of the magazine would appeal to social groups because it is representing the school.
I think the audience for my magazine would be students who attend Beaverwood School For Girls because it is about the school that they go to. I also think that the parents would want to know what is happening around the school that there children attend and if there are any crucial notices that they would need to know about, for example any outside clubs or activities. Also the various oppurtunites that there child could follow and could get involved in that could lead them to a better and higher education.
I have attracted my audience in many ways. The use of colour is bright and bold so this would catch the audiences attention to look at the magazine and eventually buy it.There are various pictures; the main image on the front cover and the three images on the contents page. The images make the magazine appealing and interesting as there is something to look at. The images suit the target audience because they would want a magazine with pictures rather than a lot of text.
I have learnt how to use Adobe Photoshop CS4 when creating my school magazine. Through using photoshop I have learnt how to use layers easily and how to copy pictures onto my magazine. I have also learnt how to edit images to make the colour more effective, I did this by using mode and adjustments and making the contrast and brightness different to how I would like my image.
Furthermore I have also used Adobe InDesign CS4 when I created my contents page. When using InDesign I learnt how to copy images onto my contents page and how to construct them to be bigger and smaller.
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Monday, 11 November 2013
I have taken some photographs which I am going to include in my school magazine which I will be making next week. I think images are important in a school magazine because they make it exciting ,entertaining and eye catchy, if there wasn’t any images included it would be dull and boring and it wouldn’t look very presentable. Images also attract people to buy and read the magazine, especially in school magazines. I know this from the questionnaire that I produced, from my results more people preferred there to be images included in the magazine than texts. So now I know that I need to include various images in my magazine for it to be acceptable and popular.
Image one
This image denotes the new library that has only recently been built this summer. I thought that this image would be appropriate for my school magazine because the parents and the students would be intrigued to know about new buildings that have been built around the school and what they look like.
Image two
This image denotes a sixth form student who attends Beaverwood school for girls and she is currently taking her AS levels. I thought this image would be appropriate for the magazine because she is representing the sixth form at the school. Furthermore she is wearing appropriate clothing which is suitable for the school and shows how smart and classy the school is.
The location if this image is the sixth form block. The student in the photograph is standing in front of the building, she is located here because it shows where the sixth form students study during school.
Image three
This image denotes the sixth form block/building at the school. I thought that this image would be appropriate for the school magazine because it connotes the sixth form.
This image denotes a student in year 12 studying inside the sixth form building. This photo is appropriate because it shows a student doing her in the sixth form building which would therefore show the audience what the students do and imply that it is a working environment.
This image denotes the quad which is located next to the main hall. I thought this image would be appropriate for my school magazine because its the central point of the school and its where the students and teachers come together sometimes. For example the year seven BBQ where all of the pupils met for the first time.
Image six
This image denotes a student who attends became wood school and she is currently taking her AS levels. She is placed next to the notice board which gives information about various important notices happening around the school. The school building is in the background which connotes the schools atmosphere.
Above is the questionnaire that I produced for my school magazine and I asked a variety of students to see what there opinion was on school magazines. The results from these questions would help me when it comes to making my own school magazine. I would get an idea of what type of theme or colours to use and this would help for my magazine to be appropriate and suitable for my intended target audience.
Saturday, 9 November 2013
Sketch of the magazine
Front cover:
magazine sketch one
Magazine sketch 2.
Front cover:
Front cover:
Friday, 8 November 2013
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Conventions of a school magazine
Fonts are an important factor when it comes to any type of magazine. Fonts can show what the magazine represents for example if it is informal or formal. Furthermore fonts can accentuate who the magazines target audience is aimed at.
I can tell straight away by the font that this magazine is aimed at young girls, and girls only. This is because the font 'go girl' is in italic lower cases letters and is also pink, so therefore girls would be attracted to this. The style of the font makes the writing look informal, especially because there is a heart inside of the letter o.
Whereas I can tell that this magazine is more formal and professional by the way the font is presented. The colours that are used would be attracted by both men and women, so there isn't a specific gender audience.
Also the size of the font is important. Big font would attract the audience because it would stand out and it would be clear and understand to read and notice.
For my school magazine I need to make sure that the font I choose is professional and classy because I don't want it too look tacky and too informal. I need to make sure that it is suitable for my target audience.
When I am making my school magazine I need to make sure that I choose the appropriate colours, not only to make it look nice and attractive but also to make sure it is suitable my target audience because otherwise they would not buy the magazine.
The choice of colour is important in any type of magazine. Colours make the magazine eye catchy and makes people want to purchase the product. If the magazine had no colour it would be dull and boring whereas if the colours used were bright and colourful it would stand out so this would attract the buyer.
Every colour has a different meaning, the colours are important because they need to appeal to the target audience and represent the magazine.
Conventions of a front cover:
Most front covers on a school magazine use one single image which denotes one or two students and it is normally a medium camera shot. They use students because it represents the school and the location of the image is normally placed in an educational environment such as a classroom or an activity in the school, this is to connote that the magazine is based on school. I will follow this convention when I create my own magazine, I want to use one student and a medium shot because I want to involve a school environment in the background.
The mise en scene of my magazine:
I need to make sure that the mise en scene for my magazine is suitable for my intended target audience. In my magazine I have two images of students, they are both females and are wearing smart and sophisticated clothing which is appropriate for sixth form. They need to represent the sixth form and the school well by the way they look because it connotes that the school is professional, important and promotes learning.

Whereas I can tell that this magazine is more formal and professional by the way the font is presented. The colours that are used would be attracted by both men and women, so there isn't a specific gender audience.
Also the size of the font is important. Big font would attract the audience because it would stand out and it would be clear and understand to read and notice.
For my school magazine I need to make sure that the font I choose is professional and classy because I don't want it too look tacky and too informal. I need to make sure that it is suitable for my target audience.
When I am making my school magazine I need to make sure that I choose the appropriate colours, not only to make it look nice and attractive but also to make sure it is suitable my target audience because otherwise they would not buy the magazine.
The choice of colour is important in any type of magazine. Colours make the magazine eye catchy and makes people want to purchase the product. If the magazine had no colour it would be dull and boring whereas if the colours used were bright and colourful it would stand out so this would attract the buyer.
Every colour has a different meaning, the colours are important because they need to appeal to the target audience and represent the magazine.
Conventions of a front cover:
Most front covers on a school magazine use one single image which denotes one or two students and it is normally a medium camera shot. They use students because it represents the school and the location of the image is normally placed in an educational environment such as a classroom or an activity in the school, this is to connote that the magazine is based on school. I will follow this convention when I create my own magazine, I want to use one student and a medium shot because I want to involve a school environment in the background.
The mise en scene of my magazine:
I need to make sure that the mise en scene for my magazine is suitable for my intended target audience. In my magazine I have two images of students, they are both females and are wearing smart and sophisticated clothing which is appropriate for sixth form. They need to represent the sixth form and the school well by the way they look because it connotes that the school is professional, important and promotes learning.
Audience theory and audience research
There are different types of audience depending on the type of media that is being presented. For example Vogue magazines audience would be for women because the magazine is based on fashion and beauty. The target audience can be formed by certain groups for instance age and gender. In media the term target audience means what the producers think that the product would be most suitable for. The type of gender is one of the most evident factors when considering audiences. You can tell who the gender is targeted at normally straight away. For instance if a magazine is blue and has football news and sport images on it you would automatically know that the target audience is boys/men. Age is another obvious and important factor when considering audiences. It is important because some media would not allowed people of certain ages to have access to some media. For example a film that is rated 15 would not allow anyone under the age of 15 to watch that film because it would not be appropriate.
When I was analysing the three school magazines on Microsoft PowerPoint last week I had to think carefully about the intended target audience. The target audience for the school magazines was the students and the parents. I think the students would be suitable because they would want to know if there was any school trips or any shows that they would be interested to participate in. Furthermore the parents would be the other target audience because they would need to know if there was anything new and important happening at the school for example a change in cost for school dinners.
I also will have to consider the target audience when producing my own music magazine. I will identify the target audience during my planning stage because this will affect the shape of the text. The colours would be significant for the audience and also the type of lanuage that is used whether it is informal or formal.
Informal newspaper 'The Sun' Formal newsaper 'the guardian'

Social class is important when we are categorising audience in media texts. The target audience is normally categorised as A, B, C, D and E.
A- higher managerial and professional
B- middle management
C1- office workers
C2- skilled manual workers
D- unskilled workers
E- unemployed, unwaged
The different social class depends how much money people will spend on a media product, if it is acceptable for them and if it is aimed for them. A good example is magazines and newspapers. People who read and purchase the guardian newspaper would be classed in the groups A and B, this is because the guardian is more formal and professional and its suitable for people who are interested in politics and the news. Whereas people who read the 'Sun' newspaper would be aimed at people in groups C2 and D, this is because the Sun is an informal newspaper and is based more on gossip and celebrities. Furthermore it has a lot of advertisements for free holidays and quizzes. People in groups A and B would be interested in the type of magazines and who actually produced the magazines because formal magazines and newspapers would be more expensive. While groups C2-E wouldn't be that bothered about who produced the magazines, these magazines would be cheaper as they are not as detailed compared to other newspapers and magazines such as the guardian. Moreover more magazines would be brought by people in groups C2-E because they would have more time on their hands to purchase and read them.
The uses and gratification theory is a popular approach to understanding mass communication. The theory focuses more on the consumer or audience instead of asking 'what people do with media?' instead of 'what media does to people' which Katz (1959) said. The theory holds the audiences responsible for choosing media to meet their needs. An example of this is some people love to hear and find out gossip in peoples lives so they would watch gossip media for instance The Only Way Is Essex. Whereas other people would like knowing about the way the government is so they would watch the various News channels depending on what their view is.
In 1948 Lasswell suggested that media texts had functions for individuals and society, these are as follows, surveillance, correlation, entertainment and cultural transmission. Researchers Bulmer and Katz expanded this theory and they published their own in 1974, saying that individuals might choose and use a text for the following purposes, Diversion, Personal Relationships, Personal Identity and Surveillance. Since then, Uses and Gratifications has been extended, particular as new media forms have been introduced such as the internet and video games.
The reception theory is extending the concept of an active audience further. In the 1980s and 1990s a lot of work was done on the way individuals received and interpreted a text and how their individual circumstances such as gender class and age affected their reading. The work was based on Stuart Halls encoding/decoding model of the relationship between audience and text. The text is encoded by the producer and then decoded by the reader.
The criticisms of this theory is that many people believe that the public has no control over the media and what it produces. It also takes out the possibility that the media can have an unconscious influence over peoples lives and how they view the world. However this theory may be more relevant in todays society as the internet and satellite TV such as Sky makes people have much more freedom and control over what people get according to pre-internet and TV.
Research is important when creating media text, the person creating the text must have a clear idea of who their target audience are because this would affect the shape of the text and how it is presented to others.
When I was doing my audience research I found that the main research that seemed to be most important was primary research and secondary research.
Primary research is the type of research which the person has created themselves this involves carrying out interviews and getting a variety of people to respond to questionnaires and surveys which that person has produced on their own.
Secondary research involves looking at existing material. It uses material such as books, newspapers and magazines. It allows the person to see the various resources that have already been created and it involves both qualitative and quantitative.
Qualitative research gathers information that is not in numerical form, for example diary accounts and questionnaires. Qualitative data is more descriptive and its harder to analyse than quantitative.
Quantitative research gathers data in numerical form which can then be put into categories or in rank order.
Focus groups are a group of people who participate in a discussion about a product before it is launched or provide feedback on things for example a television series. The group may consist of people from society and also potential customers. This is important because you can get a wide variety of views and responses from different people.
The focus groups are also likely to suggest the methods of advertising the product and which are most likely to be the most successful.
In audience research they consider how the audience may react to or engage in the text. There are some factors of how they analyse and predict the audiences reaction.
Audience engagement describes how audience interacts with media text.
Audience expectations these are advance ideas an audience may have about a text, this applies more to genre pieces.
Audience identification is the way in which audiences feel themselves connected to a particular media text, in a way that it directly expresses their attitude or lifestyle.
The Hypodermic needle suggests that the information from a text passes into the mass consciousness of the audience unmediated, for example the intelligence, experience and opinion of an individual are not relevant to the reception of the text. The theory suggests that the audiences behaviour and thinking can be changed easily by media and it is assumed that the audiences are passive.
When I was analysing the three school magazines on Microsoft PowerPoint last week I had to think carefully about the intended target audience. The target audience for the school magazines was the students and the parents. I think the students would be suitable because they would want to know if there was any school trips or any shows that they would be interested to participate in. Furthermore the parents would be the other target audience because they would need to know if there was anything new and important happening at the school for example a change in cost for school dinners.
I also will have to consider the target audience when producing my own music magazine. I will identify the target audience during my planning stage because this will affect the shape of the text. The colours would be significant for the audience and also the type of lanuage that is used whether it is informal or formal.
Informal newspaper 'The Sun' Formal newsaper 'the guardian'

Social class is important when we are categorising audience in media texts. The target audience is normally categorised as A, B, C, D and E.
A- higher managerial and professional
B- middle management
C1- office workers
C2- skilled manual workers
D- unskilled workers
E- unemployed, unwaged
The different social class depends how much money people will spend on a media product, if it is acceptable for them and if it is aimed for them. A good example is magazines and newspapers. People who read and purchase the guardian newspaper would be classed in the groups A and B, this is because the guardian is more formal and professional and its suitable for people who are interested in politics and the news. Whereas people who read the 'Sun' newspaper would be aimed at people in groups C2 and D, this is because the Sun is an informal newspaper and is based more on gossip and celebrities. Furthermore it has a lot of advertisements for free holidays and quizzes. People in groups A and B would be interested in the type of magazines and who actually produced the magazines because formal magazines and newspapers would be more expensive. While groups C2-E wouldn't be that bothered about who produced the magazines, these magazines would be cheaper as they are not as detailed compared to other newspapers and magazines such as the guardian. Moreover more magazines would be brought by people in groups C2-E because they would have more time on their hands to purchase and read them.
The uses and gratification theory is a popular approach to understanding mass communication. The theory focuses more on the consumer or audience instead of asking 'what people do with media?' instead of 'what media does to people' which Katz (1959) said. The theory holds the audiences responsible for choosing media to meet their needs. An example of this is some people love to hear and find out gossip in peoples lives so they would watch gossip media for instance The Only Way Is Essex. Whereas other people would like knowing about the way the government is so they would watch the various News channels depending on what their view is.
In 1948 Lasswell suggested that media texts had functions for individuals and society, these are as follows, surveillance, correlation, entertainment and cultural transmission. Researchers Bulmer and Katz expanded this theory and they published their own in 1974, saying that individuals might choose and use a text for the following purposes, Diversion, Personal Relationships, Personal Identity and Surveillance. Since then, Uses and Gratifications has been extended, particular as new media forms have been introduced such as the internet and video games.
The reception theory is extending the concept of an active audience further. In the 1980s and 1990s a lot of work was done on the way individuals received and interpreted a text and how their individual circumstances such as gender class and age affected their reading. The work was based on Stuart Halls encoding/decoding model of the relationship between audience and text. The text is encoded by the producer and then decoded by the reader.
The criticisms of this theory is that many people believe that the public has no control over the media and what it produces. It also takes out the possibility that the media can have an unconscious influence over peoples lives and how they view the world. However this theory may be more relevant in todays society as the internet and satellite TV such as Sky makes people have much more freedom and control over what people get according to pre-internet and TV.
Research is important when creating media text, the person creating the text must have a clear idea of who their target audience are because this would affect the shape of the text and how it is presented to others.
When I was doing my audience research I found that the main research that seemed to be most important was primary research and secondary research.
Primary research is the type of research which the person has created themselves this involves carrying out interviews and getting a variety of people to respond to questionnaires and surveys which that person has produced on their own.
Secondary research involves looking at existing material. It uses material such as books, newspapers and magazines. It allows the person to see the various resources that have already been created and it involves both qualitative and quantitative.
Qualitative research gathers information that is not in numerical form, for example diary accounts and questionnaires. Qualitative data is more descriptive and its harder to analyse than quantitative.
Quantitative research gathers data in numerical form which can then be put into categories or in rank order.
Focus groups are a group of people who participate in a discussion about a product before it is launched or provide feedback on things for example a television series. The group may consist of people from society and also potential customers. This is important because you can get a wide variety of views and responses from different people.
The focus groups are also likely to suggest the methods of advertising the product and which are most likely to be the most successful.
In audience research they consider how the audience may react to or engage in the text. There are some factors of how they analyse and predict the audiences reaction.
Audience engagement describes how audience interacts with media text.
Audience expectations these are advance ideas an audience may have about a text, this applies more to genre pieces.
Audience identification is the way in which audiences feel themselves connected to a particular media text, in a way that it directly expresses their attitude or lifestyle.
The Hypodermic needle suggests that the information from a text passes into the mass consciousness of the audience unmediated, for example the intelligence, experience and opinion of an individual are not relevant to the reception of the text. The theory suggests that the audiences behaviour and thinking can be changed easily by media and it is assumed that the audiences are passive.
Monday, 4 November 2013
school magazine research
Soon I am going to be making my school magazine, before I do this I need to do some research.
Firstly I am going to do a questionnaire so I can find out what people like best so my magazine would be accurate and would be suitable for my audience.
Here is the questionarre that I created.
Below are some of the results of the questions from the questionnaire.
I have gathered a lot of infomation from the questionnaire that I had created so this would help me when making my own school magazine.
From the results from the questionnaire I have found out that the theme back to school is most popular. 5 people said yes to back to school, this may be because students and parents would want to know if there was anything new happening around the school that has changed over the summer holidays. Furthurmore changes may happen in the upcoming term which would be important for the parents and students to know about. The second most popular theme was Christmas this may be because it is an exciting time of year and there may be events and notices that students and parents would need to know about. Halloween and Summer were the least popular
Also I have found out that the price range from my magazine should be from 51p- £1, most people chose this price range and I think it is most appropiate. The price range is important because you would need an acceptable price to sell your magazine otherwise no one would buy it.
Futhurmore, I found out that the same amount of people would by the magazine weekly and monthly so this result isnt very positive because it doesnt give me a clear answer on how often to sell the magazine. However I do know from the infomation that I shouldnt sell the magazine on a daily basis because nobody chose this option.
People would like to have exam tips and half term dates included in the magazine, I think this would be important because it can inform parents about half term dates and also advise students on exam tips and how to improve their grades. From the infomation only one person chose school trips and two peolple chose school clubs.
I had some interesting feedback from the question 'Would you like the magazine to be entirely school based?' 2 people said yes , however 7 people said no. So this tells me that I should also inlude other infomation which isnt based around the school which could be fun and entertaining. I get the impression that if the magazine was mainly school based it would come across as boring and dull.
From the infomation I know that people would want the magazine to be bright and colourful, nobody said pale and 3 people said bold. I think that most people chose bright because it would be eye catchy and look interesting and exciting.
It is clear from the questionnaire results that people would like to win prizes this is because 8 people said yes to prizes and one person said no.
I also asked if you would like to enter competitions, 5 people said yes and 4 people said no. So I may include a variety of competitions in the magazine because they would be appealing to some people.
Producing the questionnaire has helped me a lot when I get to create my own school magazine and also the lead up to my music magazine, I am happy with the questions that I have asked and the reponses are mostly accurate.
Firstly I am going to do a questionnaire so I can find out what people like best so my magazine would be accurate and would be suitable for my audience.
Here is the questionarre that I created.
Below are some of the results of the questions from the questionnaire.

From the results from the questionnaire I have found out that the theme back to school is most popular. 5 people said yes to back to school, this may be because students and parents would want to know if there was anything new happening around the school that has changed over the summer holidays. Furthurmore changes may happen in the upcoming term which would be important for the parents and students to know about. The second most popular theme was Christmas this may be because it is an exciting time of year and there may be events and notices that students and parents would need to know about. Halloween and Summer were the least popular
Also I have found out that the price range from my magazine should be from 51p- £1, most people chose this price range and I think it is most appropiate. The price range is important because you would need an acceptable price to sell your magazine otherwise no one would buy it.
Futhurmore, I found out that the same amount of people would by the magazine weekly and monthly so this result isnt very positive because it doesnt give me a clear answer on how often to sell the magazine. However I do know from the infomation that I shouldnt sell the magazine on a daily basis because nobody chose this option.
People would like to have exam tips and half term dates included in the magazine, I think this would be important because it can inform parents about half term dates and also advise students on exam tips and how to improve their grades. From the infomation only one person chose school trips and two peolple chose school clubs.
I had some interesting feedback from the question 'Would you like the magazine to be entirely school based?' 2 people said yes , however 7 people said no. So this tells me that I should also inlude other infomation which isnt based around the school which could be fun and entertaining. I get the impression that if the magazine was mainly school based it would come across as boring and dull.
From the infomation I know that people would want the magazine to be bright and colourful, nobody said pale and 3 people said bold. I think that most people chose bright because it would be eye catchy and look interesting and exciting.
It is clear from the questionnaire results that people would like to win prizes this is because 8 people said yes to prizes and one person said no.
I also asked if you would like to enter competitions, 5 people said yes and 4 people said no. So I may include a variety of competitions in the magazine because they would be appealing to some people.
Producing the questionnaire has helped me a lot when I get to create my own school magazine and also the lead up to my music magazine, I am happy with the questions that I have asked and the reponses are mostly accurate.
Monday, 14 October 2013
My overview of the preliminary task
Hello my name is Bethany Ellis and this is my first AS media blog post.
The blog posts that I will post on this blog will be the work that I will have to do for my as media for year 12.
Over the past few lessons in media I have been analysing three school magazines, I have been doing this because I will be producing my own school magazine. Analysing the three school magazines has helped me and has gave me some good ideas for when I start to produce my own one. Also after I have made my school magazine I will then have to produce a music magazine which will be part of my AS media coursework which will be graded.
Research into existing media
My first task that I had to do was to analyse three school magazines which I prodcuded on microsoft powerpoint. I found this task fairly easy but it was quite hard to find three school magazines that I wanted to anaylse because there are not many professional school magazines because they have all been produced by media studies. Also there are not many school magazines because less people are starting to read them and they are becoming less popular. This is because there are other easier ways to inform people on infomation, for example infomation about an upcoming school trip would now be sent through an email or a letter to parents instead of it being included in a school magazine. There is also less school magazines being produced because of the pricing, they can be expensive when producing and can also take up a lot of time. When analysing the three school magazines I learnt about the different magazine conventions such as the masthead, cover line, sky line, cover images, main images, slogan, strap lines and more. The masthead is usually placed at the top in the left corner this is because its where people would look first, they would need to see this first because they would want to know what the magazine title is called. The masthead is also normally large and bold so it would stand out. Another convention of a magazine is the main image this is important because it could show what the magazine is about. For example if a magazine had an image of child dressed in a school uniform you would know that it is a school magazine. Vouge magazine would have one main image of probably a celebrity for example Katy Perry, her image would be spread across the whole front cover this is effective because it shows that there would proabably be a 2-3 page spread of Katy Perry inside of the magazine with other pictures and an article about her. The cover lines are normally spread across the magazine front cover, they tell the reader infomation about what is included in the magazine which would make the reader want to buy the magazine. Pull out quotes are also used on the front of the magazine, they are normally quotes by what people have said like celebrities, they are important becuase it could shock or advise the reader and also it would want them to read the magazine to find out more. A selling line could also be used, this is normally in small text and is placed underneath the masthead because the masthead is what is seen first so then the selling line would also be seen shorlty after. The selling line could include a website because the main prioirty is to sell the magazine. The colour of the selling line could change according to the theme of the magazine or even the season, for example if the magazine was released in July the colour would be a yellow or any bright colour. The strapline is normally placed above the masthead in smaller writing, the strapline normally has text that stands out so it would be in bold capital letters, they normally include words such as 'EXCLUSIVE', and also the language that is used tries to convince the reader to buy the magazine and to find out more on the story.
Analysing the three school magazines has helped me for when I create and produce my own school magazine and music magazine. I understand what all of the conventions are used for so I would be able to use them in my magazine.
Below are the three school magazines that I edited in my media studies lessons.
Analysing the three school magazines has helped me for when I create and produce my own school magazine and music magazine. I understand what all of the conventions are used for so I would be able to use them in my magazine.
Below are the three school magazines that I edited in my media studies lessons.
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