Firstly I am going to do a questionnaire so I can find out what people like best so my magazine would be accurate and would be suitable for my audience.
Here is the questionarre that I created.
Below are some of the results of the questions from the questionnaire.
I have gathered a lot of infomation from the questionnaire that I had created so this would help me when making my own school magazine.
From the results from the questionnaire I have found out that the theme back to school is most popular. 5 people said yes to back to school, this may be because students and parents would want to know if there was anything new happening around the school that has changed over the summer holidays. Furthurmore changes may happen in the upcoming term which would be important for the parents and students to know about. The second most popular theme was Christmas this may be because it is an exciting time of year and there may be events and notices that students and parents would need to know about. Halloween and Summer were the least popular
Also I have found out that the price range from my magazine should be from 51p- £1, most people chose this price range and I think it is most appropiate. The price range is important because you would need an acceptable price to sell your magazine otherwise no one would buy it.
Futhurmore, I found out that the same amount of people would by the magazine weekly and monthly so this result isnt very positive because it doesnt give me a clear answer on how often to sell the magazine. However I do know from the infomation that I shouldnt sell the magazine on a daily basis because nobody chose this option.
People would like to have exam tips and half term dates included in the magazine, I think this would be important because it can inform parents about half term dates and also advise students on exam tips and how to improve their grades. From the infomation only one person chose school trips and two peolple chose school clubs.
I had some interesting feedback from the question 'Would you like the magazine to be entirely school based?' 2 people said yes , however 7 people said no. So this tells me that I should also inlude other infomation which isnt based around the school which could be fun and entertaining. I get the impression that if the magazine was mainly school based it would come across as boring and dull.
From the infomation I know that people would want the magazine to be bright and colourful, nobody said pale and 3 people said bold. I think that most people chose bright because it would be eye catchy and look interesting and exciting.
It is clear from the questionnaire results that people would like to win prizes this is because 8 people said yes to prizes and one person said no.
I also asked if you would like to enter competitions, 5 people said yes and 4 people said no. So I may include a variety of competitions in the magazine because they would be appealing to some people.
Producing the questionnaire has helped me a lot when I get to create my own school magazine and also the lead up to my music magazine, I am happy with the questions that I have asked and the reponses are mostly accurate.
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